About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Sorry for no posts! :(

I'm sooo sorry for all of you not on Facebook, who have been patiently waiting for updates solely from this blog.  We sincerely apologize for not being able to get it up and running this time around.  Unfortunately they discontinued the Blogger app that we used to blog on our iPad the last 3 trips.  With the app, we were able to select pictures and compose posts w/o internet and save them as a draft. Then when we got to a place with internet, we could simply push the "publish" button for each draft and they would slowly one by one upload.  This time around, I have made several attempts but everything has to go through the website now on our laptop and we have to upload each photo individually which takes forever.  I had a post composed and 8 photos selected, but after 1 full hour only 3 of the 8 photos were halfway loaded.  We just have not had consistent or reliable (if any) internet nor the time to upload the photos as such a snail pace.  I feel so bad for all of you hungry for some news. We are now in Kenya with reliable high speed internet, so I can at least try to type some updates (but can't promise any pictures, which I know is what you all love the most).

THANK YOU for your prayers!  We have had the smoothest trip out of all 4 so far! None of us have been sick once and very little diarrhea! (there's a juicy detail for ya! ;)
We feel sooo extremely blessed to be here, have enjoyed every bit of our time, have had a wonderful time serving and have seen God move in amazing ways.  The most exciting part for us is seeing first-hand the multiplying effect of child sponsorship. Time & time again, God has shown us how He uses our dollars to cause a rippling affect that reaches far & wide.  We are humbled & awed & overwhelmed to be a small part of what He is doing in Africa!

Stay tuned and I promise to at least post a few updates to give a general summary of what we've been up to!  Again, we appreciate your support sooo much!
Anissa for the Haywoods