About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

I have seen the Lord!

Job 42:5  "I had heard of you with my ears, but now my eyes see you!"
This was Aunt Ketty's theme verse for her cancer. She said that cancer allowed her to finally see God to the fullest! She was a beloved wife & mother of 7, a 2nd grade teacher, who used her cancer as a platform to proclaim Christ!  She testified of God's goodness in churches, school groups and on the radio! She praised God that he counted her worthy of bearing cancer in His name! 
What an amazing legacy she left behind for her children and the other children at New Hope Uganda. Please pray for Okuth (her widowed husband) and her 7 precious children who are now without a mother.
We had several sweet times of fellowship with her in June, filled with laughter and tears.  On one of her bad days, I sat on her bed and gave her a shoulder massage. We sang and prayed with her.  When we said our final goodbye, she said, "See you at the banquet table in Heaven!"  She knew God was calling her home; she knew her time here on earth was almost over. As any mother would, she worried about her young children left behind.  She worried about her husband left alone caring for their 7 children. But she was at peace.

She was a kindred spirit; a soul sister; a special friend.  Joey led 3 of her children to Christ at our VBS two years ago.  I would sit in her classroom after school to talk and we connected at a deep heart level; we bonded through laughter and tears.  Shortly after that trip we heard of her cancer.  I'm so grateful for Facebook that kept us connected through those 2 years of battling cancer, and even more grateful for the chance to see her one last time.  I rejoice in victory over the grave, as I mourn the loss of my dear friend.  It makes me smile to envision her dancing and worshipping before the throne of her Heavenly Father!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Love Faces

UThese are just a few of the many faces from Kenya that we are missing, forever etched in our hearts:
Eyes, smiles, voices, laughs...imprinted on our hearts & minds forever!

Loving on the kids...

"Loving on the orphans" is a term you often hear from people going on mission trips.  It is truly the heartbeat of child outreach.  Yes, the skits, puppets, music, games, crafts, etc. that you do for the kids is important, but it's he personal one-on-one interaction that you have with them that leaves the lasting impression.  
"Loving on" a child comes in many different forms.  For some it is the tickling & wrestling and making them laugh a deep, healing, guttural, belly laugh...the kind that keeps them coming back for more. For some, it is quietly sitting in your lap, soaking up that special feeling of importance; that they have you all to themselves, even if it's only for a few minutes before others come jumping on.  
For others, all it takes is a quick hug to fill their empty love tank.
Often, for the younger ones, being held and carried in the strong arms of a loving adult helps them feel safe & secure...a feeling they long for in the deepest part of their being.
Each child's personality is different and they crave different forms of your attention.  "Loving on kids" can come in the form of a piggy back, pushing on a swing, a back rub, a high five, you name it! 
But getting down on their level and looking straight into their eyes, reminds you that they are a human being created in God's image....His handiwork, His unique creation. Every child, of every race, of every nation deserves affection, attention & affirmation.
  The older ones often want to sit and talk and giving them your undivided attention makes them feel valued and of worth.  They need just as much, if not more, attention than the little ones....but often it is harder to get  the attention they crave when teams come since they are not cute & cuddly anymore and not jumping in your lap.  That is why we intentionally spend time with the older ones...to let them know that someone cares about their hopes and dreams and that their thoughts and opinions matter.  For them, "loving on" comes in the form of asking & listening.
The nice thing about loving on kids is that it requires no special training and can be done by all ages.  It is instinctual. It is innate. It is an automatic reaction to the sea of craving children surrounding you, who are starved for affection.

We had the privaledge of serving with Mike from Arizona two times now. He is the sweetest tender-hearted man! He is a loving father figure to these kids! The student below told him, "I feel warm and happy when I'm near you." Mike gave him a taste of his Heavenly Father's love.

Loving on these kids, is indeed an honor and privilege. We get to be Christ's hands and feet in both the literal and figurative sense. So many of these kids carry around so much hurt and deep-seeded emotions from the trauma they have been through.  There is much research about the healing power of human touch. It is something we all need; something we are created to have.

Mission trips take on many forms.  There are playground builds, medical missions, feeding programs, etc, etc, etc. But no matter what kind of mission trip you go on, the most important aspect is "loving on" the people...whether they are children, widows, sick patients, pastors, etc. we are made for human-to-human contact and connecting with one another on a heart & soul level.  That is where the deepest satisfaction comes from; knowing we have touched a life and they have touched ours in return.  We are forever changed because of the conversations we had, the laughs & tears we shared, the hugs we exchanged. Our legacy that we leave behind are the people we loved on; not the cabin we painted, not the grass we planted, not the schools supplies we passed out.  Those are just things that can and will wither and eventually fade. But the souls of our brothers & sisters in Christ on the other side of the globe, we can take to Heaven with us!  What a glorious never-ending love exchange THAT will be!!!