About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Joey's Concluding Thoughts

Final Reflection from Joey
How do you quickly summarize the question, “How was your trip to Africa?” Problem is…you don’t. For a guy who likes to keep his answers short and simple, I just can’t do it short and simple. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and I believe that we have at least a million words on our blog so far, with billions more to come.  Our trip to Africa has just begun. Oh, we may be back in the United States, but part of my heart is still thousands of miles away in Africa. Our African family that we left behind with a “see you” later and parting tears is still waiting, but we will see them again in two years. To see the overwhelming need with your eyes and then not respond is wrong. So many children are fatherless, homeless, and living in extreme poverty. That is why we sponsor 16 kids from Uganda and Kenya with the intention of sponsoring even more. To God be the Glory! God has blessed us with money, so we give it to be a blessing to others. We give it because in Kenya and Uganda they earn about $1.00 a day. Here, in America, we earn obscenely more that we really don’t need for needs, but we spend it on wants and desires so we should give it away to help others. Not save for retirement, not spend on pleasures, not spend on entertainment, but spend to educate others, feed others, give them water, vaccines, and teach others about Jesus. Our purpose in life is to bring Glory to God. We bring glory to Him when we live with hands open to the blessings from Him, spend it wisely, and freely give to where God has called us to give. The 16 students that we sponsor, and call family, are a huge blessing to us. We got to hug, eat with, worship with, dance with, spend time with, and just be in communion with and be forever changed. It is one thing to send money to a foreign land with need, but it is a totally different thing to send money, write letters to, send pictures, and go to the foreign land. To stand on the red soil of a Kenyan “playground” at Raila school and gaze at the Kibera slums just over the railroad tracks. To hold hands with the children that we have prayed for, loved, and longed to see in Uganda. So many letters were written and then to see their school, their homes, their mannerisms. To realize that we have had a part in providing for their needs, their education, food, medical, and spiritual needs. To be a part of their lives for a few weeks was exciting and overwhelming. So my plea is to JOIN US! Join us in getting to know a child from Africa. Sponsor them with your money and then come with us to visit them in two years. Summer 2013 we are heading back to Africa with or without you. I would prefer with you. Come with us and be forever changed. Get into the game. See a need. Respond to the need. Travel to see your child. Be forever changed. Live for more than your comfort and pleasures. Live for a higher calling. Live to bring Glory to God. Any takers???  (If not Africa, how about India, Haiti, Chicago, etc…our world is filled with many needs that we can fill if we are willing.)

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