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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Miracle Debris

This is what our pastor calls anything you keep as evidence of God's moving & working in your life, whether it's a rock or a leaf or a scrap of something you jot the date on the back to remember....it could be a monumentous ocassion or a quiet powerful moment between just you and God.  Our "miracle debris" from Africa are the hand-written letters people gave us while we were there.  We'd humbly like to share some exerpts from a few of them.  Again, all the credit in these letters goes to God, not to us...it is HIS power working in our lives, not anything we have done with our own hands or by our own might.

From a fellow team member (18 year old college student):
.....God has always worked in my life through the people he puts around me, and the past 2 weeks have certainly been another testimony to this, with the opportunity to observe how you have chosen to devote your lives completely to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Simply by the way you listen to the Holy Spirit and act upon its promptings has been an immense encouragement to me, and something that has come at a very necessary time in my life.  I'm amazed at how God can use his followers to sharpen one another. Particularly, God has been speaking to me about being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's callings and being a good steward of the talents we are given.  You all really exemplify these things in your daily lives.  Whether its the power of the Holy Spirit that brings tears to your eyes as you marvel in the awesome power of God, or the desire you have to give more and more.....

From18 year Kiweewa Christopher that we sponsor through New Hope Uganda:
Dear Jonas Green, my friend and brother,
.....You have really challenged me because of your ability to make friends no matter the age and size.  When I was your age, I couldn't do what you have displayed.  You are brave at heart and I am sure you can fit in anywhere you go.  In the Bible, by the age of 12 years, Jesus was already fitting in with the elderly men at the temple.  You have a social and great heart of friendship and I nkow it only comes from God.  Hence use it wisely.......Jonas I want you to know that I will always treasure your powerful statement of "I love you" for I know you spoke it to me out of your heart.  The best person to believe in me at my age, is a young boy your age.  Such precious words coming from such a loving and caring heart. I love you too and will miss you greatly....

From Philip, who we helped pay for part of his college a couple year ago and is now a mentor for Jack (see next exeprt below). Philip majored in Social Work and Community Development:
(2009) It is with great joy I write to you, for you are winners in Christ our Lord! I'm humbled and my heart rejoices for what you have surely done for me.  For sure the Lord has used you as his instrument by giving this gift in order for me to see once again the doors of college of which for a moment was a dream lost.  But now, you have revivied this dream.  You are truly God sent. May the Lord bless you abundantly, may he continue to walk with you in each step you take for he is there with you while holding your hands and calling you his children.  May he open the flood gates of Heaven and let it rain upon you his love, joy, kindness and peace in your hearts for you are running his good run and fighting his good fight.
(June 2011) Words can't express your deep love for me.  An unknown African boy who was once hopeless about his future and life. You guys have given me new meaning to life to have shown me that God does not give up on his people and he does exist.  Many great things he can do for us ones who call upon his name!  For you to care enough to come all the way across teh world just to see us here at Frist Love! It's a blessing!  I want you to know that you have changed a whole generation and may the almighty God bless the work of your hands.  May he, from you, raise up a generation that is blessed by the blood of Jesus Chrsit and conquer places that love hasn't existed and show love throught Christ.

From 21 year old Jacob "Jack" from Kibera Slum that we are currently putting through college.  Like his rolemodel Philip (see above) he is majoring in Social Work and Community Development:
....To God be the golory in your life and in my life!  It was amazing that in the hour of need someones life was transformed through God's mercy.  To me it seems as if it was sent from heaven to earth that my life was realized by a person. Therefor I aspire with more vigor to do community development and take charge of someone's life in the future both socially, economically and politically.......God, indeed you are a wonder in every situation! I will continue to praise you for Joey and Anissa's life and ask that you bless their effort!....Much gratitude is granted to the Lord our God, not forgeting how great you have suddenly changed my life situation from horrible to honorable. My dears, it is still a dream in all my life that I will never forget your family! I couldn't explain how it all happened, but it was God's call to lift me from grass to grass....It has been a great honor to sit in my lecture class with my fellow peers and I look forward to working hard and become a role model to my followers, school mates and community at large, even as I aspire to be a leader of many in the nation, not forgetting to serve my Creator with all my thoughts, words and deed.....

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