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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Friday, April 21, 2017

A God Girl in Heaven

This week was the one year anniversary of this sweet African princess departing for glory! I can't believe it has already been a full year since we received the devastating news that she had died from a bacterial infection on her brain.  She was one of the precious girls from the First Love Children's Home in Kenya that we had gotten very close with over our 3 visits. She didn't have an earthly father, but now she is in the loving arms of her Heavenly Father!

Beryl (2000-2016)

Beryl is a valuable precious stone; a jewel which is mentioned in the Bible eight times.  It was used as one of the 12 gemstones on Aaron’s ephod, which represented the 12 tribes of Israel (Exodus 28:20), and one day a beryl will be used as one of the 12 foundation stones for the wall around the Holy City of Jerusalem (Revelation 21:20).  The website www.minerals.net calls it “a most alluring & popular mineral.”  All who knew Beryl would agree that her name perfectly described her character: a true gem!  In the photo above she is wearing a crown of earthly "gems" but now she is wearing a Heavenly crown of beautiful gems beyond our compare of anything here on earth!

  Beryl was known for her spiritual maturity, her strong sweet voice in leading worship during nightly devotions, being a positive role model for the younger kids with her amazing Chirst-like character,  her stellar academic performance, and last but not least, she was known for her excellent hair braiding skills... ;)

Beryl wrote a poem that was featured in the Fall 2015 issue of Alea's God Girl Magazine. Please take a moment to read it and be inspired!  When she says, "You have a wonderful mind"...she herself was #1 in her class of 360 students. But most importantly was her kind & loving heart. She was beautiful inside & out!  She loved to worship God and HIS light most definitely shone from her eyes!
Beryl's best friend and "sister" from First Love, Immaculate, who wrote the poem on the right in the magazine, read this beautiful tribute to Beryl at her memorial service last year:

Beryl,  a girl as precious as her name is.  
She was one person you would not forget if you had spent time with her.  Beryl always shone among other people, be it her peers, elders, or even younger than her.  
She always left a good mark wherever she went.
At church Beryl portrayed leadership skills leading other children in praise and worship.  She was well known for her power to preach to others.  Teachers and other children loved Beryl.  
She was kind and would give a hand where she would.
At school, she was very hard working; she has left a clear set of footprints for others to follow.  She hated to see others suffer and was willing to correct other persons.  Beryl did anything she was told with passion.  She did the best of everything.
At  home, Beryl was always helping her brothers and sisters, leading in devotions and preaching.  She loved doing right.  One would really be surprised to find her in any mistake.
Beryl was really gifted and talented.  Her powerful voice had changed many lives;  her ability to dance had given many hope;   her gift to preach had shown many the path to salvation.
 She was one girl who readily forgave and asked for forgiveness.  She never held any grudge towards anyone.  
Beryl was not new to pain and suffering.  What she had gone through in the past was not what you even would like your enemy to go through, but Beryl was a strong and courageous girl. 
She never let her past bring her down.
Beryl had big dreams.  She hoped to either be an architect or a doctor and would change her family’s status.  Only the Almighty knows why she did not live to fulfill her dreams.May her soul rest in perfect peace.  She may be gone with body, but memories spent with her will forever live in our hearts.
Death strikes when least expected.  Only God knows why.  
Had we known she would not live, we would have filed a defense, but since it’s God’s making, we humbly submit to His will.
Bye bye, Beryl.  See you when our time comes.  
Your loving friend,   Immaculate
(Alea is sitting right between Beryl & Immaculate in this Class 8 picture with all the "candidates" who were studying in 2015 for their big state exams, to determine placement for Secondary School)

Alea dedicated her final issue of God Girl Magazine to honor Beryl's memory by making her the cover girl (photo taken by Joey):
We pray that her story continues to inspire other young girls to live passionately for Jesus and to make an impact during your time here on earth by pointing others to Jesus.  
Beryl loved to worship her Maker through singing and dancing...now she is signing with the angels & dancing before the throne for Eternity!!!

NOTE:  After the last issue above (June 2016) Alea passed the magazine on to another younger homeschooled girl to continue creating.  Alea earns "royalties" by the magazine sales continuing to sponsor Dorothy at First Love Kenya, another one of Beryl's dear "sisters".   If you are interested in subscribing, please goto:  www.GodGirlMagazine.com.  If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the issue above, please email us! 

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