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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Friday, June 19, 2015

"Stir it up in our hearts, Lord"

When we came on our first trip, we noticed the children eating with their fingers and just assumed it was part of the culture.  Who were we to come in as mzungu (white people) and insist our way is better. In fact Jonas & Alea actually welcomed the chance to eat with their fingers. On our 2nd trip, one of our sponsored sons proudly took out of his pocket a disposable plastic spork (the exact same kind used at Joey's school, thrown away DAILY by 700 students).  He treasured his plastic spork and kept it safely in his pocket. Noticing that many of the older children had metal spoons, but the younger children ate with their fingers, we started to inquire.  It turns out that spoons are a very precious commodity and only when the child is old enough and proven themselves responsible can they have a spoon (almost like a rite of passage).  One of our 18 yr old sons, proudly showed us the spoon he had kept safely in his pocket every day since he was 10 yrs old. At night he keeps it safely tucked under his pillow so no one can steal it.  Apparently one of our sponsored sons had had a spoon, but he didn't take good enough care of it and it got stolen, which was a source of shame.  Imagine, all the emphasis and importance placed on a single spoon! Something we in America take for granted.  We use multiple spoons in one day without ever pausing to appreciate the value of that spoon. We even throw spoons away on a regular basis (parties, BBQs, picnic, weekend gatherings, etc), without even giving it a 2nd thought.  That is when we determined that the next time we came to Africa, we would bring spoons. Lots of spoons.  With the help of a dear friend who hosted a spoon drive for us, we collected almost 600 spoons!  With the weight evenly distributed among our checked bags and carry-ons, the precious cargo arrived safely in Uganda.  
 Rather than simply pass out the spoons (which can be awkward, and there is a protocol with white people passing out gifts), we wanted to somehow tie it in to our outreaches.  We wanted to make it meaningful and give special signifigance to the spoons.  But what could spoons have to do with lessons from the book of Daniel (our theme for this year's VBS)?  Then a friend suggested "stir it up in our hearts Lord" (the song by Hillsong called "Consuming Fire").  So I revised the skit that every time the children heard the words "stirred" they had to stir their spoons. Envy towards Daniel "stirred up" in the officers' hearts.  Daniel's heart was "stirred" with courage.  Pride "stirred" inside of King Darius, etc, etc. 

We prayed with them asking God to stir up their hearts for him. We told the children that every time they take a bite or stir with their spoon, they should pray to have courage, faith and a passion as strong as Daniel's.  Because long after we are gone, and the passion begins to fade, they will still have their spoons and we want them to help remind them of the lessons learned from Daniel. Since eating is something they do every day, we hope the spoons serve as a daily reminder. 
We also talked about how food fills our tummies but the Holy Spirit fills our hearts and we can be completely satisfied in Him. We knew they would be familiar with the stories from Daniel, but prayed that the Holy Spirit would ignite in them a new passion that would strengthen them to stand firm like Daniel in the face of opposition.
And at the end, we of course sang the song:
             "Consuming fire, fan into flame, a passion for your name.
               Spirit of God, fall in this place,
               Lord have your way, Lord have your way, in us.
               Lord let your glory fall.
               Stir it up in our hearts Lord, stir it up in our hearts Lord, 
               Stir it up in our hearts, a passion for your name!"
It was so cute seeing them eat with their spoons! They were so excited, they even used them with their porridge (which they would normally drink).
A huge THANKYOU to all who donated spoons...they are the gift that keeps on giving!!!

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