About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Even though our blog has us still at Musana (Camp) we are currently at Kasana (Children's Center). Both names mean "light" in Luganda and both places are part of New Hope Uganda (they are over a 5 hr drive apart from each other). After Musana, our team flew back to WI, we spent 4 days back at Pastor Micah & Grace's in Kampala. Then we hooked up with a team from the Dakotas to come out here to Kasana for our last 2 weeks, where we sponsor our 10 "kids" (the 5 oldest ones are actually young men & women). We are little by little getting our blog caught up (praise God for free wifi!) NOTE: somehow some posts got published out of order (UCF & the cultural show are right in the middle of camp)...sorry about the confusion and thanks for sticking with us and following this blog! Most importantly, thank you for your prayer support! Sorry we don't have time for much journaling on this blog, but we figure "a picture is worth a thousand words". Plus there's no way to put our experience into words that could even begin to summarize the emotional aspect of our trip. Even the few pictures we are posting, can't capture the depth of all that we have seen, heard, smelled, felt. Those of you who have been on mission trips understand. We encourage all of the rest of you to go on a short term mission trip....anywhere! Just get out of your comfort zone, see the big wide world that exists beyond the American bubble, live among another people group, look poverty in the eye, have your heart broken into a thousand pieces, then have it completely melt from the smiles and laughter, then swell to the point of bursting as a small hand grasps yours! See God move in mighty ways, be a part of His work, come back a person changed forever! 

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