About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Monday, June 24, 2013

A personal note.....

We finally have a break in the action this morning, as we are waiting for the rest of our team to get back from  safari.  So now I can finally journal a little and try to get caught up on our blog.  The only problem is we have  2294 pictures to go through and try to select the best ones to share!!! And that's after only ONE WEEK! Can't believe all we've done in a week! Our hearts are sooo full!  If you missed our post called "All In A Day" be sure to go back and read it (for some reason it posted out of order, and was further down the list, so those of  you following along daily probably didn't see it).  That post will explain to you why we are so behind on our blogging! Our days have been long & busy; every spare minute is spent with the kids.  We are so exhausted (mentally/emotionally/physically) at the end of the day, but Joey & I have been taking turns staying up late each night to at least post a few pics. We're so thankful for the free Ipad we got right before we left  (redeemed with credit card points) and for the free wifi in our dorm, that make it easier to blog. But for typing, I'm sitting in the Resource Center at the Children's Home where they have a small library and a row of computers.  I can't even begin to recap our experience so far. For those of you who followed our blog last time, you will notice that many of the pictures seem familiar. We have been having a very similar experience, with the added  bonus of being reunited with the kids, interns & staff that we fell in love with last time! Plus it is awesome to make new friends and meet new children & staff who have joined First Love.  First Love has some amazing individuals pouring into its ministry! What a blessing!!! As with every mission trip, it is the relationships that make the trip so memorable. Having that personal connection with the people is what impacts your heart forever.  Like I said last time, the love runs so deep over here!  It is so neat to see Jonas & Alea reconnecting with their brothers & sisters! It truly feels as if no time has passed (other than all the kids being a few inches taller...theirs & ours). I know the time is going to fly all too quickly and we will be forced to make our heart-wrenching farewells. But we have more family waiting for us across the border in Uganda.  So we will make the most of our time left here in Kenya and soak up every precious minute! Thank you for all of your prayers & support!!!
Love to you all from Anissa  & the family

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