About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Friday, June 14, 2013

We're Leaving for Africa Today!

Well, countless hours have gone into planning this amazing adventure to Africa and today is the Day of Departure. Can you say excited?!? Once we get on the plane, we will actually be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief and just pray that we didn't forget anything too important, and if we did...it will just allow an opportunity for God to provide miraculously. Our first stop will be in London with a 6 hour layover and then we'll continue on to Nairobi, Kenya. We can't wait to hug all our kids again!! It will be good to stand again on the red soil, breath in the scent of Africa, feel the warmth of the sun, and just BE in Africa! My heart begins to swell if I think about this too long.

As we prepare to leave, we feel overwhelmed by the love & support of all our family & friends.  We are soo appreciative of all of you who contributed in so many ways to our trip!  We wish we could list you all by name, but you know who you are!

Thank you to those of you who sponsored us financially through Calvary Community Church.
Thank you to those of you who just came up to us and randomly gave us $ to go on this trip.
Thank you if you came to our Pizza Ranch, Potbellys, or Delavan Bowling Lanes fund raiser and those of you who contributed an item to our raffle.
Thank you to the amazing staff and students at Central-Denison Elementary for supporting us through buying suckers, bracelets, earrings and crayons.
Thank you to the Cen-Den Student Council for selling crayons to buy books for a mobile library.
Thank you Caleb Monge & crew for making & selling hundreds of bracelets to buy two 24 in parachutes.
Thank you Tara and Cyndi for the Tastefully Simple and the thirty-one parties.
Thank you to all of Jonas' bday buddies who generously gave money for dodgeballs & other sports equipment.
Thank you to those of you who brought yummy meals while Anissa was sick and for our "last supper"!
Thank you Rich and Debi for letting us tag on to your garage sale and for your amazing support!
Thank you Calvary Community Church for the generous outpouring of donations for our missionary gift drive.
Thank you George Warren for your huge clothing & toy drive.
Thank you to all of who personally supported us the last 2 weeks (dropping off flowers, cards & other surprises by the back door, giving me herbs to get better, personal items, etc, etc.)
Thank you to the individuals who also donated items for us to take over and sent gifts along for your sponsored kids  It's going to be like Christmas for 8 weeks straight as we pass out all the goods! We have everything from Bibles, shoes, backpacks, soccer balls to crocheted baby blankets to bubbles to school supplies, to a whole tub of granola bars, life jackets, frisbees, the list goes on & on!  I can't wait to see their faces!!! Stay tuned to watch for pictures of YOUR items being passed out! :)

Again, we can't thank you enough for all the levels of support we have felt, both big & small! 
You have made this journey possible!
Thank you for all your prayers over these past weeks/months and PLEASE continue to support us by praying daily!  That is the best gift you can give us by far!  We truly cherish & covet your prayers!

We can't wait to watch God move and to be a part of HIS global plan!
To God be the Glory in all that we do for HIM!
We love you all,
Joey & Anissa, Alea & Jonas

1 comment:

  1. Haywoods-YOU ARE AN AMAZING FAMILY! Praying for all of your health during your mission trip. Love- the Sinclairs
