About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Amazing Young Men

It was such a treat to have Jack & Patroba, our 2 college boys, along with Eric helping out with Kids Club last week (just like "the good ole days" 2 yrs ago)!  They were the 3 First Love interns when we were here last time and now they all go to Ztech Community College. It was such a God thing, but they just happened to have a week off classes for independent study time for their exams.  
They are so much fun to have around!

Any time they have off school, they come back to Raila to help with the feeding program. It is their way of giving back to First  Love, for the opportunity First Love has given them.  
(Sifting the corn)
A huge THANK YOU to Joann Buerge (Anissa's mom), Jon & Jasmin Turner (friends from church) and Marieka Spiegelhoff (another friend from our church in WI) for paying for Patroba's tuition!  We are paying for Jack's tuition, as well as for he & Patroba's room/board & transportation ($1 a day). They are both majoring in Social Work & Community Development at Ztech Community College, because they want to give back to the Kibera Slum, just like their mentor, Philip is doing. 

Philip is the very first First Love intern we helped with part of his college tuition, (we found out about through Rhonda & Larry Voss, friends from our church who had been here).
Philip is the school social worker hired by First Love to help run the feeding program and help the children and their families. Philip was a student at Raila himself and was part of the first generation of students who benefitted from the First Love feeding program. Talk about coming full circle!
Philip with his wife Valentine and daughter Stacie. 
Many people would use their college education as a ticket out of the slums. But not Philip. They actually live in a house built by First Love on the Raila School grounds. He feels a very strong calling from God to serve in his home community. He is such a good role model for both the children and the interns. 
What a doll!

Jack & Patroba are such good big brothers to our kids!

Eric, Jack, Joey, Patroba & Peter
Eric is majoring in Hospitality (catering & hotel management) which is exactly what Peter (the current First Love intern). First Love sure knows how to pick quality individuals to serve in their ministry. They only support young adults with the highest of character. Stay tuned for how you can partner with First Love to help Peter get to college and continue the cycle of raising up the next generation of Kenyan Christian leaders!

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