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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Please help give Hope & a Future!

Meet 2 amazing First Love interns that we have grown to love.  They are both amazing individuals with a heart to serve and help others.  They are helpful, kind, compassionate and hard working.  Just like many high school graduates in America, this young man & woman have goals & aspirations of going to college, being productive and contributing to society.  The only problem is that they were born in the Kibera Slum of Nairobi and are not as fortunate as most American youth to have the money to attend college. Please read their stories below.....
 Peter's Life Story
This is Peter Owino Otore and he is 22 years old. He comes from a family of 9 and is the second youngest in his family. He was raised by his mother after his father died from diabetes in 2004. Can you imagine a single mother raising 9 children all by herself in the Kibera slums? His mother made a living by selling goods out of a little food stand in the slums. She wasn't able to make enough money to support her children in school. Because of this, only 2 of Peter's siblings have made it to their senior year of high school and the others have had to drop out before that. All of Peter's siblings now work in the labor field (food stands or maids). Peter has grown so much in his faith and is very connected to God which could be challenging given his situation. However, Peter has a very strong and caring heart. Because Mwai Kibaki has become president in Kenya, providing government tuition, Peter was able to complete his primary education and move onto high school (with the family only being responsible for school fees). In 2009, he was able to go to school at Raila Education Center. His mother managed to pay the first term fees until Peter applied for the "Carolina for Kibera" scholarship and got it! He thanks God for that scholarship because without it, he wouldn't have made it to the end of high school. In 2011 Peter was appointed the "Dinning Hall Prefect" which is a huge accomplishment in Raila. However, in November 2012, one of Peter's sisters died while he was taking his final exams. He didn't go home during school after that because he needed to focus on his schooling. Once he finished high school, Peter received his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and is now an intern at Raila. Peter loves to give back to everyone who has helped him as he is spending a year after he has already graduated high school at Raila helping all 1,000+ students with daily tasks and also helping the cooks. Peter's dream is to get his college degree in catering and hotel management. Once Peter accomplishes this he says, "my aim is also in the future to be able to change someone else's life by shedding light to his/her future by providing him/her with education."

Peter is in need of a sponsor to help put him through college. Peter would be in college for 2 years at Ztech Community College, which would cost a total of $3,500. If 4 people are willing to help sponsor Peter it would cost $37 per person per month for a 2 year commitment. If we get 8 people, you would only have to commit for 1 year of sponsorship.

                                                       Bathsheba's Life Story
Bathsheba was brought up in a small village in Kibera called Soweto, where she got her preschool and primary education.  Her dad was employed as a farmer and her mother worked as a retail shopkeeper for fast-selling goods such as cornflour and milk.  They were both able to earn enough money to bring up the 5 children.  Until 2006, when her father lost his contract job on the farm and in Nov 2007 became very ill. He stayed in the hospital over a month, and the hospital bills piled up. After being discharged, his condition worsened and he died in Jan 2008.  At that time, she was supposed to take her national exams, and despite her grief, was able to score a B.  Everyone was very proud of her and happy, but unfortunately she was not able to join High School because her mother could no longer afford the school fees, as a single mother with hospital bills.  Her younger brothers and sisters could no longer goto school either.  Fortunately, First Love stepped in to help cover her school fees and she was able to successfully complete high school.  "God sees His people" she says of First Love's help.  She is now doing a one year internship at the Children's Home to repay First Love for their assistance.  She is wonderful with the children and has high hopes of becoming a nurse someday.  Her grades are high enough that she is able to attend University to obtain a 4 year nursing degree.  However, like Peter, she does not have the funds to pay for a higher education.  Her degree would cost $2500 a year for 4 years.  Breaking that down, if we could get 5 sponsors for her who would be generous enough to pay $500 a year (or $42/mth) for a 4 yr commitment, we would be sooo grateful!  You would be changing her life forever.  Bathsheba says, "I want to become a nurse and help the lives of many Kenyans by treating them.  I would also like to help other children just as I was helped, after I achieve my goals."  Joey spent an extensive amount of time talking with her and she told him that "Education is so valuable to me".  Bathsheba is very bright and studious.  She loves to read history and biographies. She loves the Lord, has a very gentle Spirit and a true Servant's Heart.

Sponsorship is tax deductable through First Love Intl (all money is sent to their office in Rockford, IL). One time donations are also accepted. Thank you for praying about this opportunity to partner with God in investing in either one of these 2 young people, who are of highest character! Please email us if you are interested in changing a life forever!

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