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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Anissa's Concluding Thoughts

It is impossible to put into words the depth of emotions that we experienced during our 8 weeks. Still wishing our 8 weeks could’ve been 10, but that would only delay the heart-wrenching departure.  I feel like I’ve said it a hundred times, but it is the relational aspect of a mission trip that makes it so special.  Connecting with the people, hearing their stories, sharing your story, laughing together, celebrating God’s love with each other and giving Him the glory for the connection that was made with another one of His fellow followers.  The unity of brotherhood in Christ….that’s what it’s all about.  It was soo great to reconnect with all our old friends we met 2 years ago and sooo great to make some amazing new friends.  Everyone might tend to think that it’s all about the kids, but we LOVE bonding with all the staff that work for First Love and New Hope Uganda (at Musana Camps and Kasana Children’s Center) and with the family & friends of Pastor Micah & Grace at UCF.  All the organizations manage to hire such high-quality staff who truly love the Lord and give their whole lives to His service. It is a humbling honor to be a small puzzle piece of what God is doing through those outreach programs.  A lot of positive changes have been made over the past 2 years and it was fun to see how these mission organizations have expanded and advanced since we were last there.  God is on the move in Africa!  Our Pastor developed a journal for short term mission trips and the “Travel Home” day is about worthship. ( No that’s not a typo). Worthship is ascribing worth to something or someone. I want to ascribe worth to God and give Him all the glory for what we observed was being done for Him and what we were fortunate enough to be a part of accomplishing for Him.  We are merely His servants, obediently answering His call on our lives and desiring to be used by Him.  Nothing that we did in Africa was for our own benefit or by our own power…it was all God!   For God, to God, by God, from God.  There are so many highlights from our trip, that I can’t choose one over the other, but one of the biggest highlights was worshipping with our African brothers & sisters.  I love times of singing & praising God at home in the US, but worshipping in Africa puts me over the top!! I feel like I could just sit all day and ascribe Him worth! Spending time with the kids/young men & woman we sponsor was of course another of the biggest highlights.  The baptism service in Lake Victoria, seeing the kids come forward to accept Christ at VBS, making the kids laugh, seeing them do the signs/motions to the songs, hearing their sweet voices sing & pray, raising their young hands in worship.  The non-stop hugs. The little fingers gripping your hand, but gripping your heart even harder. Their laughter.  Their smiles.  Their eyes penetrating the deepest part of your soul. A hundred times my heart was on the verge of bursting….bursting with joy at the kids’ smiling faces,  bursting with pride at the Godly young men & women He chose to be a part of our family through sponsorship, bursting with heartache & sympathy for all they’ve gone through in their young lives, but most importantly, bursting with worthship to the Creator who made us all.  Each of us unique in our talents, interests, personality, giftings, skills  & physical traits, yet all of us with the same needs & desires.  The desire to be satisfied and fulfilled; a deep need for love, acceptance & belonging that can only be met by God. Day 2 of VBS was “ Jesus is the Bread of Life” and we talked about how bread satisfies our physical hunger, but only God can satisfy our spiritual hunger. We made paper hearts that we filled up with stickers, words, phrases, Bible verses that make our hearts feel full. My heart was definitely filled to overflowing on this trip and it is my prayer that each of you can experience deep satisfaction and fulfillment in Christ.  The goal of child sponsorship is to point the child to God as their rescuer, their Savior, their provider, their hero (not us) so that they can find their true joy & peace in Him.  We got the privilege of being His hands & feet for 8 weeks….serving meals, passing out gifts, giving hugs, speaking words of affirmation into their young hearts, playing with them, listening to them, encouraging them.....providing a way for them to experience a tangible touch from their Heavenly Father. There is truly no greater blessing than to pass on the love of the Father.


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