About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Joey's Concluding Thoughts

So how do you put into words the past 8 weeks in Africa??? Nearly impossible, so I will include bullet pointed highlights and if you want more details I will be happy to share from my heart for hours. 
God defining moments:
* Embracing and loving on the kids at First Love.
* Worshipping every night at 6:00 with 60+ kids along with the beat of the drums
* Handing a photo and letter to one of the older kids that hasn't had a sponsor for the past 3+ years and seeing the beaming smile spread across his face as he realized he was chosen and loved.(Thanks Joann!)
* Spending the day with two college kids we sponsor, seeing them butcher a chicken, prepare the food, and then enjoy the meal with them. 
* Holding and praying for orphaned babies at Watoto Bulrushes. 
* Worshipping with hundreds of people at Watoto church.
* Seeing the emotions flow from Eric as he met one of the kids they sponsor at Watoto.
* Worshipping in UCF and visualizing what it will be like when their church is 100% complete.
* Watching our Calvary team do their first outreach at Glorious Primary...emotionally powerful and beautiful.
* Watching Eric improvise and even chant "boom-shock-a-locka" with a group of 40-50+ children during games (I have the video to prove it!)
* Staying with the Rwothumios and them lovingly serve us as Christ would. What dear friends!
* Sitting in the early morning before breakfast on the bluff overlooking Lake Victoria at Musana camps and doing my devotions. (It is truly Holy ground!)
* Blessing Musana camps along with our Calvary team as we worked on the shore of Lake Victoria. 
* Playing with a total of about 1000 students with a parachute in both Kenya and Uganda. (Thanks Caleb and Central-Denison.)
* Reading African books to African Kids at New Hope. (Thanks Cen-Den!)
* Embracing, spending time with, and loving on the kids we sponsor at New Hope.
* Worshipping with Aunt Lydia's family for hours!
* Visiting the families of the kids we sponsor. 
* Seeing the lives of many students at New Hope changed by the power of the Gospel and receiving Him as their personal Savior. (To God be All the Glory!)
* Having Summer join us in Kenya and Ally join us for our entire trip to Africa. I know you are forever changed!
* Talking to numerous boys, young men, and adults to passionately pursue Christ with everything. 

To those of you who sponsored us financially and in prayer...Thank You!!!

My prayer is that our African family will remember Jesus, the Rescuer, because of our attempts to continually point to Him as we laughed, hugged, cried, played games, did skits, planted grass, did puppets, sang songs, held babies, gave away clothes (thanks Warrens!), etc. Our goal was to bring Glory to Him as we operated as His Hands and Feet! 

To GOD alone be ALL the GLORY!

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