About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beautiful Children

UPDATE (Feb 2012):  We are happy to announce that all the children featured below have been sponsored!  Since our return from Africa, Joey & I have been working to recruit sponsors for First Love and help them with their Child Sponsorship Program.  They are nearly completed with the 2nd dormatory that will house 100 more children.  Already  they have taken in 8 new children, with many more soon to come.  They are in desperate need of sponsors to provide food, clothing, housing, schooling, medical, etc for each of the children they rescue from the slums.  $120/mth is the cost for child sponsorship, so each child either has 4 sponsors at $30/mth, 2 sponsors at $60/mth or 1 sponsor at $120/mth.  If you are interested please email us at: joeyhaywood40@gmail.com and we can send you more details.
Does anyone want to sponsor this sweetheart for $60 a month?  Her name is Juliet and she has been rescued from the Kibera Slum, now living in a loving environment at First Love Kenya.

Juliet (far left) was one of the June birthdays that celebrated with Jonas.  Most kids don't know their actual birthday, so First Love just does once-a-month celebrations for all the kids born (or at least thought to be born) in that month.

Juliet already has one sponsor, but they still need a 2nd sponsor to cover the other half ($60) of her living expenses.

Would anyone be willing to sponsor dear Anne?  She is another sweetheart (like all the girls at First Love) who needs full sponsorship of $120/mth.

Juliet is leaning against Alea in the back and Anne is right in front of her with the toothy grin!

Here is another doll named Sheila that is in need of half sponsorship $60.

All 50 kids at First Love are like a big family, with the older ones looking out for the younger one.  Sheila is a great "big sister"!
If you look on our blog under "Jonas' 8th birthday", Sheila is in the very last picture on the far left with cupcakes.

Here are all the younger girls modeling the clothes we brought for them.  Anne is 2nd in from the left, and Sheila is right next to her.  I'd also like to introduce you to Dorothy (2nd row, 3rd in from the right, eyes looking right).....

Dorothy enjoying her first ever roasted marshmallow (they built the fire pit while our team was there) and we had a bonfire. Dorothy needs full sponsorship of $120/mth.

                                                                 Friends Forever!

Dorothy is in the front in the purple dress.

Dorothy (to the left of Alea) would like to introduce you to Jehosophat (far right, the only boy in the picture).
Jehosophat is a fun loving boy who loves to play pranks and squeeze into every single picture possible!  If you look back on our blog under "Alea gets her hair braided" you will see him in both the 2nd & 3rd pictures.  He's also on the last picture of that same post with the boys holding Jonas (he's on the far left in black)

Jehosophat needs full sponsorship of $120/mth.  Any takers???
You can tell by his winning smile, he is so full of life!  For kids coming from such rough backgrounds, they have such joy!

                                                           Jehosophat and Sheila!
Anyone with a younger son about this guy's age who would love to become his sponsor?  They can write letters back and forth and become best buds!  This is Joshua and he needs full sponsorship of $120/mth.

Joshua to the left of Jonas (holding a grasshopper).
Joshua, sporting a Tony Hawk shirt donated by one of Jonas' friends from school.
What about either of these 2 handsome boys?  Alex (younger one) for $120/mth or Kelly (older in pink shirt) for only $55/mth (he already has another sponsor paying the other part).

                                          Kelly is such a great kid!  He's really kind and humble.

Alex is the cutest little boy with sparkly eyes who loves to smile!

He totally stole our hearts when we were there!
Because of generous sponsors like yourself, Kelly no longer has to live in the slums!
Alex eating one of Jonas' birthday cupcakes!
 Isaac also needs a full-time sponsor of $120/mth. What is one thing you could cut out of your monthly budget to provide for him?  Our US dollar has so much power to change lives!

Isaac is to the right of Jonas in blue/white stripes.  He's just a regular kid that happend to be born in the slums. If you look at the post of Jonas Birthday, he is in the 3rd photo down, wearing an orange shirt with the empty bowl.  You're monthly contributions keep his bowl full every night at dinner!

                             Isaac jammin during evening worship (center drummer).
Beryl is another little sweetie that needs full sponorship.  You have the power to make a difference!!!

This is Ainea being a goofball (name tag on his head). 
Ainea is such a sweet young man.  He needs full sponsorship.

This is First Love's best drummer, Lucy.  She is one of their oldest and such a good role model for the younger students.  She only needs $30/mth (she has another sponsor paying the rest).
Caroline also only needs an extra sponsor for $30/mth.  She was the oldest girl we got the closest with.  She loves to have deep discussions and is sweeter than sweet!

Caroline in the bubble gum relay.
Most Americans go grocery shopping once a week.  So here's our theory:  if you take out all the soda, chips, cookies, and other unnecessary junk food and unhealthy snacks (that is causing a national obesity problem and killing ourselves here in America) you will save yourself at least $30.  Multiply that times 4 weeks (weekly grocery shopping trips in one month) and you have $120.  That is exactly what it takes to sponsor one of these amazing children (below) through First Love Int'l.  You may also do partial sponsorship at $60/mth but they really could use the full $120.  Please email us if one of these children stirred your hearts and you would be willing to make a small sacrifice to impact one of their lives: joeyhaywood40@gmail.com

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