About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


THANK YOU for prayerfully considering these causes (mentioned in our blogs) that are so near and dear to our hearts, especially now that we have visited them and seen them first-hand!  Any contribution, no matter how small, makes a world of difference over there!!!  $1 a day....that is the average income of a "well-to-do" African; the average income of what we would call a blue collar worker is $350 a year. Our prayer is that you would never look at a dollar bill the same ever again.  Where we so thoughtlessly throw our dollar bills (drive-thrus, drinks, quick snacks that only contribute to our national obesity problem or the newest video game or collecting DVDs or any collection we have for that matter!) we could be saving a child's life from starvation, providing an education for a child, digging a well for a village to have clean water, buying medicine for an HIV patient....the list goes on and on. 
All of the organizations we are promoting can be trusted completely....100% of  your funds WILL go directly to what you have designated them for.

THANK YOU to all of you who are already doing so much for other needy parts of the world....there are hundreds of worthy causes and incredible organizations to donate to!  If these organizations from Africa do not tug at your heart, please give your money to somewhere else that does!  If every American was donating regularly to some organization that serves impovershed populations, we could change the face of world history!  Yes, it is sad that the local governments in so many of these countries are corrupt and doing very little to help their own people (that's a very common excuse we get from so many people), but again, these people did not choose where they were born.  Neither did you or I.  We were blessed to be born into a country with "quote, quote" a stable government, safety and security, a welfare system, endless financial possibilties, endless freedoms, etc, etc. Even the poorest of our poor cannot be compared to the poor in 3rd world countries. 

THANK YOU also to all of our friends and family who are pouring their time and money into local ministries "on the home front".  Again, the list of worthwhile causes in our local communities goes on and on:  prison ministries, homeless shelters, pregnant teen mothers, Christian camps, food pantries, soup kitchens, clothing outreach, etc, etc.   To all of you who have adopted or are doing foster care, we hold your family in the highest regard!  We know so many of you are already doing so much and are honoring God with your time, talents, resources, and finances, but many of us could be doing even more.  This is not meant as a guilt trip, but at the end of our lives, we WILL be held accountable for how we spent the money God blessed and entrusted us with.  So get in the game and use the power you have from being born in the USA (or Canada for my Canadian friends and relatives ;)  You CAN make a difference TODAY!!!

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