About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To be continued...

We r waiting for our flight back home but wanted to let u know we will be uploading a ton more pictures as soon as we get back and adding some unfinished stories, so please stay tuned! We just had such limited time & access to the computer/Internet that we feel like we barely scratched the surface of our many experiences. We were very fortunate to have posted as much as we did, though. Thank u for all of u who have followed our journey thus far and keep checking for at least the first week after we're home...we will have lots to process and much more to share! Thanks again for all of ur prayers...we were so blessed with safety and health. Almost every night Jonas would say "I haven't died yet!" (before we left we told him if he didn't have instant obedience in Africa he could have "death by disobedience"!) We especially saw God's protection over him, as he had his fingers in his mouth constantly, was always climbing up buildings to chase lizards, petted or held every filthy pig, goat, chicken he could get ahold of, fell out of an avocado tree, kept forgetting to use bottled water when brushing his teeth, his legs r covered with cuts and scrapes that did NOT get infected, he kept trying to skip soap in the shower and just rinse off (one night I had to send him back in 3 times becuz he was so filthy!)....God is very gracious to our dear son! Alea's ring worm is almost cleared up, Anissa's diarreha only lasted 3 days and it didn't stop her from working (other than frequent trips to the bathroom) and she was fine energy-wise. But right at the last minute she got hit with a really bad stomach bug that had her doubled over in bed at the hotel room during safari (it felt like her intestines were twisted in a knot around her stomach). She's praising God that it happened during safari and not during the week with kids, and what a blessing that it's right at the end of our trip! For those of u tracking our prayer calendar (thankyou! Thankyou!) the dates were wrong...safari was these last 2 days right before we flew out. And our family got an extra day of relaxing at a very nice hotel next to the airport with a pool where we just paid a day use fee...our team flew out this morning and we fly out tonight (it would've been too much for them to make the 3 hr trip twice). Anissa spent the day sleeping under the cabana and is finally feeling a little better...she is going to attempt eating for the first time in 36 hrs.

We had another tearful goodbye just like in Kenya, but even worse becuz there was 2 of them...one for our day students and then the ones that live at Kasana. So it was double the agony. The farewells have been the hardest part of our time here, ripping our hearts to peices! Our kids have gotten so attached to their African brothers and sisters, so as a parent I was grieving for myself but also for them. We had to pry Jonas off each person as he did the hundredth "one last hug". 5 weeks was definitely NOT enough time. Next time we r hoping to come for the whole summer, but it's all inGod's hands. We told our 10 kids that it wasn't a goodbye but a "see u later".

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