About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Other ways you can help (one-time donations):

Everywhere we went, the needs were so great!  It is so sad to think about how corrupt the governments are and how there are simply no programs to provide for their own people.  Any help they get is from outside organizations (usually missionary-run, Christian entities).  Of course all these organizations are non-profit and rely fully on donations and contributions from individuals, families, and businesses back in the US or Canada or England or other developed countries. 
I know I sound like a broken record, but we truly don't grasp the power of our US dollar to change lives!  So little (by our standards) goes such a long way!  Think about what you spend on eating out, Starbucks, ice cream, soda, junk food/snacks, cable, movies and other entertainment each month.  That money could so easily provide food, medicine or an education to a child in a 3rd world country.  The only difference between us and them is where we were born!  None of us get to choose that!
As you can tell from this blog, child sponsorship is our biggest push, but below are some ways you can make a one-time contribution:

Buy a matress for a child at New Hope Uganda for $25.

Buy shoes for an individual for $20 or for a whole class for $500.  You can't believe what some of these kids wear on their feet to school...they are almost unrecognizable as "shoes".  In the slums of Nairobi they often just go barefoot.  It's amazing how fast they can run barefoot, though!!!

For #1 o2 #2 send any donations directly to: New Hope Uganda, PO Box 154, Belle Fourche, SD 57717 and mark on the memo line what it is for.  You will be mailed a reciept for tax purposes.  Or you can donate on line via credit card at: http://www.newhopeuganda.org/

Contribute to the building fund for a church for these amazing college students at Makerere University (the Harvard of SE Africa) in Kampala, Uganda....an incredible outreach that trains and disciples Africa's future leaders!  These young men and women can change the entire future history of Uganda, Kenya, and the other surrounding countries where they come from to study. This is who we were selling all those paper bead necklaces for.  It was truly a dream come true to worship with the student body (over 1,000 students), under their big green&white striped tent, but we are praying that the next time we go back to Uganda, we will be worshipping with them under a permanent structure!  Here is a quote from a recent newsletter from Pastor Micah:  "Scattered all over East Africa are students who have been part of UCf working in the city of Kampala, Nairobi, Daresalam, and Kigali, some are in the great cities of the world moving on and lifting the banner of Jesus where God is establishing each one of them. We look back and all we can say this is truly the Lord’s doing. So as I write we are in the middle of our fund raising drive in which we are asking all of our friends to help us leave a legacy by investing in a building project that will give us a greater opportunity to reach our students community very well through UCF. Your support will make UCf reach out and touch many students who will become change agents for the Lord. Your help will enable us to reach out to a generation of students who are passionate for Jesus, willing to live and think biblical, students who are going to impact their world for the renown of Jesus. So we want to invite you to consider to be part of this great project. Help us touch our nation from the top!"  All support toward UCF Project is to be sent to:
Partners in Evangelism International 5518 West Diversey Avenue, Chicago, IL,60639. “Micah UCf Project # 26200”

"Operation Hope" Help build a 2nd dormatory that will house 100 more orphans rescued from the slums on the First Love Kenya property!  Only $300 dollars for a truckload of bricks to help build on the foundation where Jonas is standing (the first dorm is in the background).  Send the $300 (or any smaller amount you would like to donate) directly to First Love Int'l, PO Box 15836, Loves Park, IL 61132 and mark on the memo line "new dorm in Kenya".

Musana Camps on Lake Victoria (where Alea got baptized) bring people face to face with the truth of Jesus Christ in creative and new ways...through relationshiops, exciting activities, and solid biblical teaching in a Christian camping environment.  They host family camps, youth camps, and retreats for all sorts of groups (churches, schools, pastors, etc.).  The camp is very new and still working on initial development; there are a ton of projects they have on the "back burner" just waiting for funds to come in...the long-term vision for this camp is incredible!  After having prayed for the camp for so many years, it was sooo exciting for us to finally be there, see how far they've come, hear about where they are headed, etc.  If you ever make it to Uganda, you absolutely HAVE to make a trip out to this gorgeous piece of land...God truly has His hand on the place!
Any contributions you feel led to make can be sent to: New Hope Uganda, PO Box 154, Belle Fourche, SD 57717 (be sure to mark the memo for "Musana Camp") or you can donate on line via credit card at: http://www.newhopeuganda.org/

6. Mengo Aids Clinic in Kampala, Uganda is in desperate need of expanding.  They have the plans drawn up of how they will renovate the existing property/space they have,  but as with so many things in Africa, they are waiting for funds before they can begin!  If you would like to contribute to their expansion fund, you may do so through MCC (Mennonite Central Committee), but let us know first, because we need to route the funds through a special channel (MCC does not yet have a "Special Fund" set up for this project yet).

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