About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mitumba "Second Hand" School by the Mitumba Slums

UPDATED NOTE:  Sadly, in November 2011 the Mitumba Slums were completely flattened by the government!  The squatters were living on property that belongs to the airport, and the government  reclaimed the land to expand the airport.  Most of the people were caught completely off-guard and had no warning...the bulldozers just showed up and they had minutes to grab what "belongings" they had and flee the premises. It breaks our heart to think that these pictures below no longer exist.  When we said "goodbye" we had the comfort of knowing that we would someday return, but now we have little hope of ever seeing these kids again. :( 
Our first day of VBS "Kids Club" at Matumba Slum (a much smaller, but more severe slum)

The School Room where we ran Kids Club.

"My Little Honey" that kept clinging to me all day.  When we were getting ready to leave I was so upset that I couldn't find him to say goodbye, then all the sudden, there he was at the door of the van, so I hopped out for one last hug....he totally stole my heart.  I bawled as we pulled away.

The older siblings take care of the younger and bring them to school with them.

African Tea Party!  The girls were playing "house" during recess.

Alea's Matumba Buddies....Lydia and Pauline.  They played together every chance they got (in between clubs).

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