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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Musana Camp on Lake Victoria

Onlly Jonas could get a chicken to snuggle with him!

Bananas were being harvested everywhere around camp!  This is how you see them even in Kampala, the big city being sold in streetside stands.  Uganda is famous for their bananas....they have 6 or so different species that are used for different uses.

We learned that a banana tree only produces one single bunch of bananas (ever), then it must be chopped down and a new tree planted.

More bananas!

Hiking thru the sugar cane "garden".  What they call gardens in Uganda are big tropical jungles for us! The locals just chop down a section of the forest and clear the land, then plant their crops...sugar cane, banana trees, sweet potatoes, or cassava.

Exploring the camp (i.e. hiking thru the jungle ;)

One of the camp's cook's little girl Jovia, stole Alea and Jonas' heart.  I loved how her name sounds like the English word "jovial" because she wouldn't stop smiling! 

Jonas and Alea kept Jovia entertained while her mom was winnowing beans.

A hut we passed on the walk down to the lake (the camp sits high on a cliff and it's quite a trek down and back up).  The little girl's name is Robinah....a very common Ugandan name.  One of the girl's we sponsor and one of the camp's staff are named Robinah.

There is a fishing village that sits right along the shore and the trail to the camp's swimming spot leads right past it.

These baby goats were adorable!  They were jumping and "kidding around".  Yes, Jonas managed to catch one before it was all said and done.

Jack fruit.  Pastor Micah has these by his house...very common around Uganda.  They can grow even bigger than this!!

There are men that smash the rock by hand into gravel to be used for construction around camp.  They do this all day from 7am-7pm every day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Haywoods! Its Jordan. I am shocked at some of the amazing experiences you are having! I have been reading your blog and it seems like you guys are having a lot of fun. I can't believe Alea got baptized in Lake Victoria! How many people can say that? That is amazing Alea! And Jonas, you really need to open an animal clinic or something. You are the only person I know who can get a chicken to cuddle with them, and catch a baby goat! I hope you are having a wonderful time and are having lots of fun with your sponsor children. We will continue to pray for your health and saftey. Love Jordan and Kelly.
