About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Love Kids

Joey teaching Annette to read.  At 12 years old, this is her first year in school (she and her sister Purity just joined First Love in May).  Being the oldest, Annette had to stay home from school to care for their ailing grandmother and make items to sell for the family's food.  Purity (age 9) was in school and can read.  Annette is very bright, motivated and a quick learner!  She just simply needs more time and 1-on-1 instruction.  Anyone want to take an extended trip to Kenya to become her personal tutor?  She is a complete joy!

The 7:00 jam session....the most lively family devotions you will ever experience! Drums and dancing and singing
to God at the top of their lungs!  Definitely a highlight of our trip so far!  We all have those songs stuck in our heads, even now in Uganda, we can't get them out! Praise God!

Purity, Anissa, Annette, Alea....a new family united by Christ's love!

Modeling their new dresses and holding new clothes after their "shopping spree" from all the clothes we brought (from our church's Clothing Outreach Center, the Clothes Closet in Lake Geneva, and some of you who personally dontated...thank you!!!)

Reading to Purity.

First Love's first ever weenie and marshmellow roast!  They just built the fire pit the week we were there and we had our devotions around the fire that night!  Something about drums and a bonfire!  It was awesome!  Instead of hotdog buns, we ate them with chipates (tortillas).

Joey and Immaculate.

The kitchen staff and Irene making chipates for the big wheenie roast!

Balls are made out of wadded up socks, plastic wrapped up and wadded (like Alea's holding), anything they can tie up in a round bundle.  We even saw jumpropes made out of long pieces of grass tied end to end.
Joey reading "The Jesus Storybook Bible" for devotions....we read through as much of it as we could the two weeks we were there, then left it in their dorm library for them to finish on their own.  Devotions start off with 20-30 of drumming/dancing/praise music, then they all sit in these plastic chairs for the teaching (which Joey and Anissa took turns doing each night), then it ends with the entire room on their knees for a closing prayer, a worship song, and a benediction recited in unison!  Talk about a powerful experience!  Can you imagine having that joyful communion with the Holy Spirit every single night!?!  We never made it through with a dry eye!

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