About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Moving on to Part II

We had a heart-wrenching 1 hr cry fest tonight as we said goodbye to all the First Love kids....the sobbing went on and on (from both ends).  The only other time I've seen Jonas or Alea cry that hard for that long was when my dad died.  We will definitely be back to visit these kids.  We are going to start sponsoring Annette and Purity (sisters).  Annette is 12 but only in 3rd grade and can't read at all.  Purity is younger but can read because she was allowed to goto school while Annette, being the oldest, had to stay home and help their grandmother make things to sell so they could buy food.  Joey has spent countless hours tutoring Annette....he said she is very bright and a quick learner, she just needs more 1-on-1 time.  Which doesn't happen in schools where there is a ratio of 1 teacher to 60/70 students!  Sunday afternoon he helped her with reading for 3 hrs straight!  He kept asking her if she wanted a break and she said no!
All of the First Love kids have come from either Matumba Slum or Kibera Slum, each with a different story.  It has been so valuable for us to do Kids Club at the slums, so we can see first-hand where the kids came from and the difference in their lives now at First Love.  The 2 weeks we have been here, the foundation has been laid for a 2nd dormatory.  The plan is to have a girls dorm of 100 and a boys dorm of 60 (a big jump from the 53 current students).  It has been such a privelage to be a part of the amazing work God is doing here through First Love and how he has blessed it with donors and sponsors to continue building, expanding, and taking in more students (they started off with 3 kids in 2006).  If you would like to sponsor any of the 53 First Love kids, please email us.  It is $120/mth which is alot steeper than the Raila kids because it is paying for their entire living expenses, not just education (meals, housing, clothes, etc.)  You can also sponsor quarter, half or full (split the child with another family/couple).  The kids here are so full of love, they are so sweet, well-behaved, love the Lord, they study so diligently and are so grateful for everything they've been given through First Love.  The staff of native Kenyans that all work here year-round are the kindest, giving, Godly people that truly love these kids and serve whole-heartedly; they are so good at what they do.  There are sooo many ways to give.....if God tugs your heart to help get the 2nd dormatory built, you can purchase a truckload of bricks for $300.  First Love is run entirely by generous donors like yourselves (1 time or on-going).  And if anyone is interested in coming and visiting all these beautiful children for yourselves, they are bringing another team over in January.  Be prepared to have your heart pierced to the deepest level.  Jonas was screaming that he's going to stay here the whole five weeks and won't get on the plane in the morning....after the 1 hr good-bye session that none of us could stop crying, the dorm "moms" had to pry the kids off of us and force them to goto bed, Jonas snuck out of our apt twice and ran up to Noah....Noah dutifully brought him back to us, Jonas sobbing hysterically that he doesn't want to leave. Alea, who is not a big crier, clung to the girls, sobbing out loud for an hour straight!  You have never seen such a sight....girls doubled over in grief at having to say goodbye to new friends, curled up sobbing. Annette clung to Joey.  We can't wait to come back and listen to her read!  First Love is such an appropriate name for this place....the love runs so deep. We are bonded to these children in a way that only God can unite.
And so tomorrow we move on to the next phase of our trip....we fly to Uganda in the morning.  We will be in Kampala for 4 days (capital city), then Musana Camp on Lake Victoria for 3 days, then out to New Hope Uganda for our last 2 weeks (where we will be faced with another emotional experience of bonding and then having to say goodbye to our children).
We are hoping that Pastor Micah in Uganda will have high-speed internet that we can get more pictures from Kibera and First Love uploaded for you all.
Again, thank you for your continued prayers.  Jonas drank water from the slums 2 days ago and God protected him!  It's been over 48 hrs and they said if he's not sick by now, he's fine.  Every night before bed he tells me "mom, I didn't die today!"  Both of the kids have done so well adapting and enjoying this experience to the fullest...I am so proud of both of them!
All our love,
Anissa (for the Haywoods)

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