About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


These adorable little guys are all over...we saw them at Pastor Micah's house, walking back up from the beach at Musana Camp, etc, but all these close up photos were taken at our Safari camp at Murchission Nat Park. They were obviously VERY used to people. They even came down by the pool to drink while we were swimming!
Carrying baby underneath:
Morning prayers ;)
Grooming each other is a very impt part of their day:
"I have an announcement to make!"
Of course Jonas had to try to pet one:
The only time in life we ever see him demonstrate this level of patience is when he is waiting to touch a wild animal! He's given some stellar attempts throughout his life. 
Unfortunately this time it didn't pay off...they wouldn't let him touch them! But he got THIS close:
Some action shots (sorry they are blurry):

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