About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thank you Gage Marina!

Here's how the story goes.....
Gage Marina donated around 100 sturdy, high quality flip flops to the Clothing Outreach Center at Inspiration Ministries in Williams Bay, WI. Ann Barber, one of the volunteers from Calvary Community Church who works at the clothing outreach called Joey & Anissa Haywood, leading a team from Calvary to Uganda, to see if they had room to take the flip flops along. They did! The flip flops filed a large gray Rubbermaid tub and made it safely to the airport in Entebbe, Uganda.
 From there they travelled all the way "upcountry" (about 9 hrs) to the NW border of the Congo where they were passed out at a primary school in Nebbi run by Pastor Micah Rwthumio, one of Calvary's Ugandan missionaris.
(One of the classrooms)

The girls all got pillowcase dresses and the boys all got the flip flops, along with the teachers! They were thrilled! 
The Headmaster and his staff:
Gage Marina had no idea their flip flops would end up in Africa. Just goes to show you can never know how far your generosity will reach! They could have easily thrown them in a dumpster to be added to a landfill, like many other American companies do. Instead they chose to donate them to a worthy cause. Inspiration Minsitries was willing to share their surplus, knowing how many children in Africa walk for miles everyday (to school & back, to fetch water, to the market, etc) with NO SHOES! I wish we had a picture for every barefoot child we saw in Uganda. And they are only a small sampling of the worldwide population who don't own a single pair of shoes. 

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