About Us

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We make intentional lifestyle choices to use the abundance God has given us here in the U.S., so that we can give to those less fortunate than us in 3rd world countries. We want others to see the difference as Jesus, not us. We are all sinners in need of a savior. We are NOTHING without Jesus! Everything we have comes from Him and it is such a blessing to share it!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Village Walk

As part of our chimp-tracking adventure, our guides took us on a cultural walk through the local village. Even though we have seen a lot of rural life (it's intended for tourists who just go straight from the airport to safaris and national parks then back to the airport) we still learned a lot of new things and thouroughly enjoyed meeting the people. People are our favorite part of Africa!!!!
We soon had a trail of children following behind us....

Some of the homes in the community:

We got to see so many things happening in their busy little community....
Cassava (a root vegetable that is a staple) being ground into flour:

G-Nuts (ground nuts/peanuts) being harvested:

Other crops being dried:
(Coffee, beans, soybeans, cassava)
(Cassava & sorghum on the roof, g-nuts on the ground)

Bricks being made:
Step 1: dig fresh soil & add water to make mud 
Step 2: shape them by putting the mud into the mold (behind the woman) then lay out flat to dry (covered with straw)
Step 3: after several days, uncover (remove straw) and stand them on end to dry more
Step 4: bake them in the oven (made out of the same bricks)

One woman proudly showed us her vanilla bean plants:
Some of the fresh beans (green) & black (after they dried);

They explained their banana "juice" making process:
They first cook the bananas, then mix them with their feet (like grapes), mix in a sweet grass, then add sorghum to speed up the fermenting process, and let the brew sit in these large canoe-like wooden vats for several days, covered with banana leaves.  The city council invited us to their meeting and all sat in a circle to watch us sample their juice (no pressure! ;) It was very sweet!

The futball hall where the village gathers to watch soccer games on TV:

Their local market:
(The tall stalk is sugar cane)
(Cassava & little bags of fish)

A local church that sits up on the hill above the village.

A larger banana market we passed in the van in a neighboring village:

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